General Conditions Ambuce Rescue Team nv, Ambumed vzw and Ambuce Training and Education vzw.

These general conditions are set out in several languages but in case of conflict, the Dutch version shall prevail.

If the patient is carried in a vehicle operated by our services, he/she automatically agrees to these General Conditions, regardless of the way in which these conditions have been disclosed to him/her.

General terms and conditions for emergency medical transport 112 – Ref. Royal Decree of 28/11/2018 and Book 19 of the Economic Code (EC).

  • In case of non-payment on the due date, the patient will receive a free reminder as per Art. XIX.2 EC.
  • Subsequently, the patient will be reminded by registered mail as per the Royal Decree of 28/11/2018. If payment is not made promptly once again, the patient will receive a payment plan spread over 6 months from the date of dispatch.
  • In the absence of timely payment after receipt of the reminder under (1), a flat-rate compensation for damages is charged in the subsequent reminders as per Art. XIX.4, 2° EC, as well as interest as per Art. XIX.4, 1°, from the 1st calendar day following the dispatch of the reminder.
  • If the ambulance service fails to fulfill its obligations, the patient is entitled to the same flat-rate compensation for damages, without prejudice to the patient’s right to prove greater damages.
  • The ambulance service refrains from legal recovery until the expiration of the term of the payment plan.

General Invoice Terms for Non-Urgent Patient Transport – ref. WER

  • The invoice is due 14 days after the invoice date;
  • If payment is not made by the due date, the patient will receive a free reminder in accordance with art. XIX.2 WER.
  • If the invoice is still not paid thereafter, a notice of default will be sent. Then, the ambulance service is entitled to a flat-rate compensation calculated as follows:
    • 20.00 € if the outstanding balance is lower than or equal to 150 €
    • 30.00 € + 10% of the amount due on the range between 150.01 € and 500 € if the outstanding balance lies between 150.01 € and 500 €
    • 65.00 € + 5% of the amount due on the range above 500 €, up to a maximum of 2,000 €, if the outstanding balance is more than 500 €
  • Additionally, the ambulance service then claims late payment interest at the reference interest rate increased by 8 percentage points as provided in Article 5, paragraph 2, of the law of 2/8/2022 on combating payment arrears in commercial transactions.
  • If the ambulance service fails to meet its obligations, the patient is entitled to the same flat-rate compensation, without prejudice to the patient’s right to prove greater damage.

Determining Distance in Kilometres

For non urgent transport service, the distance in kilometers will depend on the contract with the partners (health insurer, hospital, etc.). The standard calculation is based on the number of kilometers when loaded x 2.

B2B General Terms and Conditions:

  • All our invoices must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed contractually.
  • B2B Procedure at the expiration of the payment term
    • 1st reminder 15 days after the invoice date: Invoice amount increased by a compensation of 15% on the official rate with a minimum of €30.
    • If we have not received payment after this notice, your file will be immediately transferred to the legal department. In addition to a compensation of 15% on the official rate with a minimum of €30, they will charge an administrative cost of €30 and late payment interest of 15% on an annual basis, in accordance with articles 1146 to 1155 and art. 1229 of the Civil Code.
    • All additional costs will then always be at your expense.

B2B Payment Plan:

A payment plan is available for invoices higher than 100 EUR. Payment can be extended over a period of no more than 3 months and an administrative charge of € 30 will always be added.

Digital Invoices:

Digital Invoices, in any form whatsoever, are regarded as original documents and have the same legal validity.

Objections to invoices.

Any objections to our invoices must be made in writing (by letter, email or fax) within 8 days of the invoice date.


All “complaints” in connection with the transport should be submitted in writing (letter, email, or fax) within five working days of the transport.

Complaints relating to visible defects to goods must be made within eight days of delivery. Such complaints must be made by registered letter in which the defects must be exhaustively described. Complaints about latent defects must be made within six months of the delivery.

Intervention of the mutual health insurance fund/insurer:

Our invoices may always be submitted to your health insurance fund for reimbursement. Depending on your health insurance fund you will receive a partial or even a full reimbursement. Invoices on which the word “remgeld” (= personal contribution) appears cannot be submitted to your health insurance fund, because this is your share in the total charge. In other words a sum has already been invoiced directly to your health insurance fund. A supplementary reimbursement may sometimes be possible, if have a special separate insurance plan (for example hospitalization or industrial accident insurance).

Reserve of Ownership:

The supplier retains the ownership of the goods until the payment of the price in full. Nonetheless the risk is transferred at the time of the delivery.


Any discounts that may be allowed are subject to the exclusive reserve of compliance with the aforementioned payment periods and cannot be claimed in the event of non-compliance. In the event of a failure to pay, any favourable rate that may have been authorized will be replaced by the standard rate.


The invalidity of one of the clauses of these conditions does not imperil the validity of the other clauses.

Courts with jurisdiction:

Belgian law is applicable to everything that is not explicitly governed by this contract. Only the Courts and the Justices of the Peace of the Judicial District of Antwerp are competent to hear any disputes arising from this contract.